December 6-7, 2024
6 Kislev 5785

The Eruv is UP.
The Eruv for Parshas Vayetze is sponsored L’zecher Nishmas Itta Raiza bas Reb Moshe Chaim Halevi (Rose Weinberg) whose yahrzeit is Bo Bayom on Shabbat – 6 Kislev and L’zecher Nishmas Reb Nachum ben Reb Laizer (Nachum Stepen) whose yahrzeit is 11 Kislev. May their lives continue to be an example for their family of how to live a Torah life. And may they continue to be maylitz yosher for their families and all of Klal Yisrael.
Sponsored by their grandchildren Jeremy & Aviva Stepen, Lou & Bracha Katz, & Sara Vanounou and families.
This Week’s Repairs:
- Cahuenga and Lexington: Fixed line down