The ERUV is UP
The eruv is sponsored in memory of Shlomo ben Yakov Meir, Alex Birnbaum, z”tl.
May 27, 2016
19 Iyar 5776
The ERUV is UP
The eruv is sponsored in memory of Shlomo ben Yakov Meir, Alex Birnbaum, z”tl.
May 27, 2016
19 Iyar 5776
The ERUV is UP
The eruv is sponsored by Mrs. Ellen Grabie and family in memory of her mother Rochel bas Shmuel Chaim Halevi (Rachel Oberman) A”H on her 2nd yahrzeit, 17th of Adar 1.
February 26, 2016
17 Adar I 5776
The ERUV is UP
December 18, 2015
7 Tevet 5776
The ERUV is UP
The ERUV is UP
November 13, 2015
1 Kislev 5776