For Shabbat:
May 27-28, 2022
27 Iyar 5782

The Eruv is UP.
The Eruv is sponsored by Susan & George Birnbaum & Eva (Tashman) & Abe Kaplan in honor of the yahrzeit of their father, Alexander Birnbaum, Shlomo ben Yakov Meir & Lea, 26 Iyar.
The Eruv is sponsored this week in honor of Tzvi Gavriel ben Nachum Yisrael, Howie Shapiro. Howie is making a siyum on all of Shas this week. Howie was a founding member of the eruv. He was our first construction manager. He has since overseen the construction of eruvin in a number of cities, contributing to Jewish life throughout the Western US. Yasher Koach, Howie. We are proud of you.
NOTE: The eruv was sponsored last week by the Stieglitz Family for a speedy and complete refuah for our dear friend, Bayla.
Weekly, Monthly and Annual co-sponsorship opportunities are available.
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This Week’s Eruv Repair Report: