By Marnin Somerman in memory of the 17th Yahrzeit of his father, Dr. Jacob Somerman (Yaakov Shlomo ben Meshulam), A”H 27th of Sh’vat.
In memory of Charleen and Sydney Litwack. Charleen’s first yahrzeit on Adar 1, Sydney’s 12th on Adar 2.
By Debra Fletcher in memory of her father’s yahrzeit on 13 Adar of Yehudah ben ChaimDov HaCohen.
Mazal tov to Adam and Adina Witkin on the birth of a baby girl. Mazal Tov to the grandparents, Howard and Marni Witkin and Shelly Schwartz, and to the entire Witkin and Schwartz families.
This Week’s Repairs:
Cahuenga & Lexington-Fountain: Tightened sagging line
The Eruv is sponsored by Marnin Somerman in memory of the 17th Yahrzeit of his father, Dr. Jacob Somerman (Yaakov Shlomo ben Meshulam), A”H 27th of Sh’vat.