The eruv is UP.
The eruv is sponsored by Mrs. Ellen Grabie and family in memory of her mother Rochel bas Shmuel Chaim Halevi (Rachel Oberman) A”H on her 3rd yahrzeit, 17th of Adar.
The Eruv has been sponsored by the Turk and Balter families L’iluy Nishmas Chaim Avigdor Ben Aharon Tzvi (Herbert) Turk for every Shabbos of 2017.
Weekly, Monthly and Annual co-sponsorship opportunities are available.
March 10, 2017
10 Adar 5777
Thank you Los Angeles!
From the LA Eruv
Thank you for your generosity to help us purchase a new truck to maintain and repair the LA Eruv.
Stand By for the list of generous donors who made the truck possible.