For Shabbat Starting:
January 5, 2018
18 Tevet 5778
The Eruv is Up.
The Eruv is unsponsored.
The Eruv is unsponsored.
Harlan Schwartz sponsored the Eruv last week in loving memory of my beloved brother, Yoel ben Avraham, A”H (Dr. Joel Schwartz) whose 9th Yahrzeit was on the 9th of Tevet. May his neshama have an Aliyah. We regret the omission in last week’s status report.
The eruv is sponsored by Mrs. Ellen Grabie and family in memory of her father R’ Baruch Yehuda ben Dovid (Ben Oberman) A”H on the 19th yahrzeit, 13th Teves.
The Eruv has been sponsored by the Turk and Balter families L’iluy Nishmas Chaim Avigdor Ben Aharon Tzvi (Herbert) Turk for every Shabbos of 2017.
Harlan Schwartz is sponsoring the Eruv in loving memory of my beloved brother, Dr. Joel (Yoel) Schwartz, 9th Yahrzeit on the 9th of Tevet, may his neshama have an Aliyah.
The Eruv has been sponsored by the Turk and Balter families L’iluy Nishmas Chaim Avigdor Ben Aharon Tzvi (Herbert) Turk for every Shabbos of 2017.
The Eruv has been sponsored by the Turk and Balter families L’iluy Nishmas Chaim Avigdor Ben Aharon Tzvi (Herbert) Turk for every Shabbos of 2017.
The Eruv has been sponsored by the Turk and Balter families L’iluy Nishmas Chaim Avigdor Ben Aharon Tzvi (Herbert) Turk for every Shabbos of 2017.