The ERUV is UP
The eruv is unsponsored.
Shabbat Tzav
March 26, 2010
11 Nissan, 5770
Candlelighting 6:49 PM
Shabbat Tzav
March 26, 2010
11 Nissan, 5770
Candlelighting 6:49 PM
The Eruv is sponsored by the Katzovitz family in honor of the dedicated crews of CalTrans, Metro and Kiewit who are making extraordinary efforts to keep the Eruv intact while they rebuild the 405 freeway
Thank you to;
Anshe Emes
Beth Am
Bnai David Judea
Chabad of Beverlywood
Kehilas Yavneh
Westwood Village Synagogue
Further thanks to all the individuals who have contributed by sending in annual dues and more. Things would not function without your membership and support.
To see your shul on the list, PLEASE ask your Rabbi or shul president as applicable. We look forward to an expanded list of participants.
Shabbat Vayikra
March 19, 2010
4 Nissan, 5770
Candlelighting 6:43 PM
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Shaya Escovitz. Mazal tov to the entire extended family.
and In memory of Rabbi Yisroel Grama a”h. May his neshama have an aliyah. by Anonymous
By a concerned member of the community.
By the Kershberg family marking the yahrzeit of Lea’s mother .. Louisa bas HaRav Yaakov (Murciano).
In Honor of Marcia and Sidney Teichman
By the Parker and Weiner families in honor of their parents’ 37th wedding anniversary.
Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei – Parshat HaChodesh
March 12, 2010
26 Adar, 5770
Candlelighting 5:38 PM
Thank you to the many families who stepped forward this week to help the Eruv through our crunch. Stay tuned for further updates on the eruv, and how we hope to move forward successfully.
Shabbat Ki Tisa – Parshat Parah
March 5, 2010
19 Adar, 5770
Candlelighting 5:32 PM
Shabbat Tetzave – Parshat Zachor
February 26, 2010
12 Adar, 5770
Candlelighting 5:26 PM