The ERUV is UP
The eruv is unsponsored.
October 18, 2013
14 Cheshvan 5774
The ERUV is UP
October 18, 2013
14 Cheshvan 5774
The ERUV is UP
October 11, 2013
7 Cheshvan 5774
The ERUV is UP
Community Notice: Parents and boys from first grade through high school, please join Pack and Troop 360 for its annual kick-off meeting on Sunday, October 6th at 4pm at Beth Jacob. We are the only kosher, shomer Shabbos, family-friendly scouting unit in Los Angeles (OK, inside our eruv, since there’s a unit in the Valley, too). We have a very exciting year planned including an overnight at the LA Zoo, a visit to Jet Propulsion Labs where the Mars Rover and Voyager missions are controlled, three (or more!) campouts, Pinewood Derby, and lots more! Pass this message to anyone you feel might be interested because Scouting is always more fun when your friends are in it with you! If you’ve got questions, please ask Jeff Feuer, or visit the website which displays a flyer with a partial schedule of events at
October 4, 2013
30 Tishrei 5774
The ERUV is UP
Community Notice: Parents and boys from first grade through high school, please join Pack and Troop 360 for its annual kick-off meeting on Sunday, October 6th at 4pm at Beth Jacob. We are the only kosher, shomer Shabbos, family-friendly scouting unit in Los Angeles (OK, inside our eruv, since there’s a unit in the Valley, too). We have a very exciting year planned including an overnight at the LA Zoo, a visit to Jet Propulsion Labs where the Mars Rover and Voyager missions are controlled, three (or more!) campouts, Pinewood Derby, and lots more! Pass this message to anyone you feel might be interested because Scouting is always more fun when your friends are in it with you! If you’ve got questions, please ask Jeff Feuer, or visit the website which displays a flyer with a partial schedule of events at
September 25, 2013
21 Tishrei 5774
The ERUV is UP
You can find our Gold Medal winning Etrog Liqueur at Glatt Mart, Cambridge Farms or the Cask, or order online for home delivery at Like us on Facebook to follow the View from Sukkah Hill as we grow our spirits company.
Kosher for Passover under the certification of the Star K and our own Rabbi Pinchas Shedrewitzky.
Remember Eruv Tavshilin before lighting candles tonight!
September 18, 2013
14 Tishrei 5774