The ERUV is UP
The eruv was designed, built and dedicated in the merit of Shoyal Aharon ben Herschel Mordechai HaLevi. His 15th Yahrzeit is this Shabbos, the 14th day of the omer. May his Nashama have an Aliyah.
April 17, 2015
28 Nisan 5775
The ERUV is UP
April 17, 2015
28 Nisan 5775
The ERUV is UP
Mount Sinai provides generous support to keep our eruv available this week and every week.
Thank you to Mount Sinai for your service to the Los Angeles Jewish Community.
March 13, 2015
22 Adar 5775
The ERUV is UP
March 6, 2015
16 Adar 5775
The ERUV is UP
February 27, 2015
8 Adar 5775
The ERUV is UP
Mount Sinai provides generous support to keep our eruv available this week and every week.
Thank you to Mount Sinai for your service to the Los Angeles Jewish Community.
February 13, 2015
24 Shevat 5775