The ERUV is UP
The Eruv is sponsored by:
Naomi Selick from Teles Properties, Beverly Hills.
Chag sameach!
October 21, 2016
19 Tishrei 5777
The ERUV is UP
Naomi Selick from Teles Properties, Beverly Hills.
Chag sameach!
October 21, 2016
19 Tishrei 5777
The ERUV is UP
The eruv is sponsored by Saul & Julia Ackerman in honor of Kesher Torah.
Chag Sameach!
October 14, 2016
12 Tishrei 5777
The eruv is sponsored anonymously in honor of Shalhevet High School.
The eruv is also sponsored by Saul & Julia Ackerman in honor of Kesher Torah. Many of our kehilla members take advantage of the eruv weekly and we support the efforts of the LA Eruv and their volunteers.
L’shana tova!
October 7, 2016
5 Tishrei 5777
The ERUV is UP
We have had sufficient response from the community to cover the short term financial crisis but not the long term financial issues. Some of the participating shuls and community members have also satisfied prior commitments, and we have started on a process to establish a broad-based finance committee that will strive to include all of the shuls covered by the LA Eruv. We intend to work out a short and long term finance strategy so as to avoid future potential shutdowns of the LA Eruv.
Based on the input of the city rabbeim and the Eruv Vaad, we will be checking and hopefully repairing the ERUV in time to be up for this Shabbos.
However, even with the generous support of many, we are still $100,000 short of what we will need to operate the eruv. To this end, we are planning a community wide Shabbaton for the Eruv on Parshas Lech Lecha. November 12-13, and would ask for your continued support and generous donations.
The LA ERUV needs your support. We are looking for families willing to take personal responsibility for supporting the LA ERUV on an ongoing basis. The time to offer your support for the LA ERUV is Now. Please consider one of the following methods:
September 23, 2016
20 Elul 5776