The eruv is UP. Truck is DOWN.
The eruv is unsponsored.
Note: The eruv’s truck, which was on its last legs as reported in our emergency appeal in Elul, died on the freeway after making this week’s inspections and repairs. This expedites the “sometime in the next year” purchase timeline of a replacement truck to “immediately”.
For the past several weeks we have been working with a hired truck to make Eruv repairs because the cherry picker/lift on our truck failed. It was returned to service this week so our crew was able to take the truck out tonight to make repairs. There were 7 required fixes including replacing a line, removing vines and plant growth from a pole, fixing a damaged fence, and repairing a damaged pole.
After making the repairs, the truck engine failed while the crew was returning home on the 101 freeway in Van Nuys. Just after midnight we were able to get the truck towed back to our yard in Culver City. Our truck is over 45 years old, and was ready for retirement when we bought it 15 years ago. It looks like it has now finally bitten the dust. We have found workable alternatives at around $45,000.
We are looking for a lead sponsor or two to help dedicate a new truck for the eruv. We welcome your suggestions.
November 4, 2016
3 Mar Cheshvan 5777