The ERUV is UP
The eruv is sponsored by Mrs. Ellen Grabie and family in memory of her father R’ Baruch Yehuda ben Dovid (Ben Oberman) a”h on the 15th yahrzeit, 13th Teves and by an anonymous donor.
December 13, 2013
10 Tevet 5774
The ERUV is UP
December 13, 2013
10 Tevet 5774
The ERUV is UP
December 6, 2013
3 Tevet 5774
The ERUV is UP
There is a second, anonymous, sponsor this week as a zchus that the cholim in our community should have a refuah shleimah, among all the cholim in klal Yisrael.
The Eruv is grateful for the support.
Good Shabbos and a freilechen Chanukah.
November 29, 2013
26 Kislev 5774
The ERUV is UP
June 7, 2013
29 Sivan 5773
The ERUV is UP
March 1, 2013
19 Adar 5773