The ERUV is UP
The Eruv is Sponsored anonymously in the merit of a complete Refuah for the many Holim in our community.
Parshat Emor
May 8, 2009
15 Iyar, 5769
Candlelighting 7:22 PM
Parshat Emor
May 8, 2009
15 Iyar, 5769
Candlelighting 7:22 PM
Parshat Acherei-Kedoshim
May 1, 2009
8 Iyar, 5769
Candlelighting 7:18 PM
The Los Angeles Community Eruv was designed and constructed in the merit and memory of Shoyal Aharon Ben Herschel Mordechai HaLevi and is dedicated this week in honor of the his 9th Yahrzeit on the 29th of Nissan. May his Neshama have an Aliyah.
Parshat Tazria Metzorah
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
April 24, 2009
30 Nissan, 5769
Candlelighting 7:11 PM
Parshat Shemini
April 17, 2009
23 Nissan, 5769
Candlelighting 7:06 PM
There were no repairs required this week. The Eruv can be relied upon for Shabbos Chol HaMoed.
Erev Pesach
April 8, 2009
15 Nissan, 5769
Candlelighting 6:59 PM
Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach
April 10, 2009
17 Nissan, 5769
Candlelighting 7:00pm