The ERUV is UP
The eruv is unsponsored.
September 13, 2013
9 Tishrei 5774
The ERUV is UP
September 13, 2013
9 Tishrei 5774
The ERUV is UP
Remember to make an eruv tavshilin before candlelighting on Wednesday September 4.
To make an eruv tavshilin on erev Yom Tov consult the instructions on
It is forbidden to prepare for Shabbat on Thursday before the time one lights candles for the second night of Yom Tov on Thursday night — even with an eruv tavshilin.
Sign up at to receive free email reminders on erev Yom Tov to prepare an eruv tavshilin.
September 4, 2013
29 Elul 5773
The ERUV is UP
August 30, 2013
24 Elul 5773
Remember to check the Eruv on Erev Rosh Hashanah next week, September 4 and to do Erev Tavshilin.
Ketiva v’chatima tova.
The ERUV is UP
August 23, 2013
17 Elul 5773
The ERUV is UP
August 16, 2013
10 Elul 5773