The ERUV is UP
The Eruv is Sponsored this week by Rochelle & Hershie Krich:
Mazel Tov to our grandson
Mikey Krich
on his becoming bar mitzvah
November 23, 2012
9 Kislev 5773
The ERUV is UP
November 23, 2012
9 Kislev 5773
The ERUV is UP
November 16, 2012
2 Kislev 5773
The ERUV is UP
The eruv is sponsored by Perri & Jonathan Tabak in memory of Perri’s father Yehuda ben Aharon (Judah Garber). May his neshama have an aliyah on the occasion of his tenth yahrzeit.
July 20, 2012
1 Av 5772
May 25, 2012
4 Sivan 5772
The eruv is sponsored in honor of Perri Tabak‘s 10 years of dedication to Yachad Los Angeles. Perri has made a difference in the lives of so many Yachad members and volunteers. We are so proud of her achievement!