For Shabbat:
September 16-17, 2022
21 Elul 5782

The Eruv is UP.
The eruv is sponsored in memory of Tim Fletcher z”l, Noach ben Avraham, on his first yahrzeit, 22 Elul, by his family.
The eruv is sponsored by the Litvak vamily on the yahrzeit of Kathy Litvak, Babet bas Yoel, z”l, 16 Elul.
NOTE: Last week, when the LA Eruv was damaged and went down on Friday, we were reminded of how strongly the community relies upon the LA Eruv to enhance the experience of Shabbos for each of our families.
We have been offered a $20,000 matching gift if we can raise $20,000 by the end of the year.
As you contemplate your contributions at this time of year, please include supporting YOUR LA Eruv.
A gutten erev Shabbos. Kesiva Vechasima Tova
Dimitry Farberov
Howard Witkin
Seth Merewitz
Aharon Cooper
Weekly, Monthly and Annual co-sponsorship opportunities are available.
Donate Now:
This Week’s Eruv Repair Report: